Pannonian festival muzike i sporta

By zozon blog - August 14, 2015

Najveći festival ekstremnog sporta i muzike u jugoistočnoj Europi!
I ove godine Osijek ugošćuje više od 200 sportista u disciplinama BMX, In-line i Skate, a Copacabana postaje središnje mesto ludih provoda do ranih jutarnjih sati uz fenomenalnu atmosferu.
 Kiril Djaikovski feat TK Wonder & MC Wasp
 Hladno pivo
 Eddy Ramich
 Die Hausers

Datum se zna, PC XVI od 19. do 23. 08. 2015.
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The biggest extreme sports and music festival in South Eastern Europe!

Once again Osijek attracts more than 200 athletes in the disciplines of BMX, In-line and Skate, and Copacabana beach is becoming a central place for crazy parties until the early hours with a phenomenal atmosphere.

Save the date, PC XVI from 2015/08/19 to 2015/08/23.
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